Let Go and Let God
Let Go and Let God
Genesis 32: 1-18
Often, what appears to be working against you actually works for you. Our difficulty is not to fight God's discipline, because whatever He has spoken will undoubtedly come true; we must maintain our confidence to the end. Learning to let go allows God to achieve what He can only do through His Spirit.
The Parable of the Sower
The Parable of the Sower
Matthew 13: 1 -16
The parable of the Sower serves as the foundation for understanding all other parables. Grasping its meaning unlocks insights into the transformative power of God's Word to change your life, shape your world, and redefine your future. The key lies in repenting from misguided thoughts and actions, embracing your true self, and becoming open and ready to receive all that God has prepared for you.
The Lost Found
The Lost Found
Luke 15: 1 - 20
Repentance leads to a profound transformation in one’s life, marked by a true change of heart. This change brings about the joy of celebrating what was once lost and is now found. The parable serves as a powerful inspiration for genuine repentance, which naturally results in praising and thanking God for His restoration, divine presence, and guidance in our lives.
Damascus Road Experience
Damascus Road Experience
Acts 9: 1-16
It is crucial to have turning points in life where God prepares us as a people to step into our destined paths. Often, preconceived notions are reshaped by God through specific encounters. A Damascus road experience exemplifies how God works to realign us with His divine purpose.
Lord I Believe
Lord I Believe
John Chapter 9
Jesus opening the eyes of the man born blind was a powerful miracle of God’s workings, and at the same time, this miracle was a clear sign that He was and is the promised Messiah, the Anointed One - Jesus the Christ. That He is the light of the world and those who walk in His Light should not walk in darkness; because in His Light is the life of every man.
What is God Desiring?
What is God Desiring?
Isaiah 66: 1 - 2
God desires to look upon those who have a humble heart and a contrite spirit. Not only does God look upon those whose hearts are true towards Him; but He also seeks to dwell within them. For He comes to revive the spirit of the humble and revive the hearts of the contrite ones.
The Message of the Resurrection
The Message of the Resurrection
Philippians 3: 7 -11
The message of the Resurrection is to us the very life and power of God at work in us to bring us into conformity to Christ. To know Christ, and the power that God the Father put on full display when He raised Him from the dead is available to you.
The Grace of God
The Grace of God
2 Corinthians 12: 1-10
Despite the trials and the testing that we may be going through in our lives, we can fully rest upon God's grace. For His grace is sufficient for us and His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
The Burning Bush
The Burning Bush
Exodus Chapter 3
We all have a longing to connect with God, a deep-seated need that He has planted in our hearts. We want to go beyond what we can see and experience His divine presence. The Life of Moses illustrates this quest, for the reward of pursuing God is of infinite worth but it requires perseverance to attain the insight we need.
The Gift of Faith
The Gift of Faith
Hebrews 11: 1-6
We need to come to a deeper level of understanding of this indescribable gift given to us by God. Faith stands alone, it is the Word of God that has the power, potential and capacity to transform things in accordance to God’s purposes. It is God’s expression of Himself in operation through us.
Are You Anxious?
Are You Anxious?
Philippians 4: 4 -7
Learning to rejoice in the Lord at all times, knowing that He is with you and is for you. He is an ever-present help in times of need and is more than able to save you and deliver you from all your troubles.
Whats The Point
1 John 3: 1 -16
As God’s children, we are to be mindful of the kind of love the Father has bestowed upon us. And no matter what we may be going through in life, God’s love assures us of this hope that we have in Christ that when we see Him we shall be like Him.
The Word of Life
The Word of Life
1 John 1: 1 -4
Our relationship with the Father is characterised by a direct link through which the Word of God has dwelt among us and in us. Christ is the Word of Life who descended from heaven in order for us to know Him as He is.
Friend at Midnight
Friend at Midnight
Luke 11: 1-13
The Lord Jesus Christ told His disciples a beautiful story of how we are to be persistent in our asking. We are to Ask, Seek and Knock (A,S,K). It is HIs desire to give to us more than what we can ask….